The present day membership of the SSC Society is mostly, but by no means exclusively, involved in the conduct of litigation in and around the Court of Session, the High Court of Justiciary, and Sheriff Courts throughout Scotland. However, there are many members in chamber practice in town and country, and in the public service, all of whom serve to broaden the overall interests of the Society, and its stated desire to reflect all areas of professional activity.
Membership of the Society is open to all solicitors who are members of the Law Society of Scotland, trainees and university students. Admission dues are payable to the Society, and the Widows’ and Orphans' Fund, upon entry; and thereafter an annual subscription remains payable.
An application for membership requires sponsorship by two members and to be accompanied by the relevant papers specified on the application form.
Benefits & Annuities
The benefits of being an SSC Society member include access to the well-stocked legal library, with a quiet working environment, computer support, and Wifi internet access.
The comfortable Members' Lounge provides tea and coffee, together with daily newspapers and a tannoy from the courts with regular updates.
Membership also brings the benefits of the Annuity Scheme for widows, widowers, surviving civil partners, and orphans of members that have died.
As part of the Annual Subscription, Members pay a small sum to the Fund in exchange for which their widow, widower, civil partner or orphans will receive the annuity paid half yearly.While not a large sum, the annuity is welcomed by those currently receiving it.
Admission Dues
The Dues of Admission to the SSC Society amount to £100 (which may be paid by five annual instalments of £22). There is also payable Entry Money for the Widows Fund amounting to £35 (whether or not the entrant is married).
Additionally, Entrants who are married or in a Civil Partnership pay, on admission, an Age Tax calculated at £20 per annum for each year by which the Entrant's age exceeds 25 years at the date of admission. In the case of an unmarried Entrant, Age Tax is payable only if and when the Member marries or enters into a Civil Partnership and is based on the same formula, namely the number of years by which the Member’s age exceeds 25 when the Member was originally admitted.
Annual Subscription
Ordinary Members practising as Principals of a firm in Edinburgh - £165
Ordinary Members practising out with Edinburgh or as an employed Solicitor - £120
Members in Public Service - £120
Those holding Judicial Office, Quasi-Judicial Office & Tribunal Chairs - £120
Members not Principals of a firm, in their first four years of Membership - £60
Retired Members - £20
Annual Rate to Widows and Orphan's Fund - £35
The Annual Rate for the Widow's Fund is payable by all members, irrespective of their marital status. Although, for historical reasons, the Fund is referred to as the "Widow's Fund", the benefits are applicable equally to Widows, Widowers and Civil Partners.