SSC Library & Facilities
The SSC Library is open to Members and SSC Firms for research, borrowing, photocopying and scanning.Our Members' Lounge is also available with a direct connection to the Court's tanoy system for regular updates. WiFi is available in both the Lounge and Library.
Normally open from Monday to Friday, between 9.00 and 17.00, out of hours access to the Library is open to Members , and will require a Parliament House Identity Card and the Library's security code. This can be obtained from the Librarian by emailing library@ssclibrary.co.uk.
Research - Copies of documents from our comprehensive legal library can be emailed or posted.
Printing, Photocopying and Scanning- A printer and photocopier are available for use by Members. Printing directly from a laptop is available. Library staff can scan and send material via email. There is a small charge for printing and photocopying.
Borrowing - Most materials can be borrowed for up to 10 days, with copies sent to out-of-town members by Royal Mail.
The Library provides access to a range of electronic databases.
Textbooks &
Roman Law Material
Electronic Sources
The SSC Library holds all Scottish textbooks, plus selected English and European textbooks, Roman Law materials.
Law Reports
The library holds all Scottish law reports plus selected English and European Human Rights Law reports; Court of Session Opinions 1982 - date; Session Cases 1821 - date.
The library holds all Scottish journals and a selection of English & European titles.
Public & General Statutes 1275 - date; Local & Private Statutes 1811 - date; Statutory Instruments 1896 - 1995 (hardcopy), 1896 - date (CD-Rom); Acts of Adjournal and Acts of Sederunt 1530 - date.
Government Publications
Scottish Law Commission Reports & Discussion Papers.
Current Legal Information
This contains cases, legislation and articles from 1947 to date from many different journals and law report series.
Family law reports (1980 - date)
Scots law times (1893 - date)
Statutory instruments (1896 - date)
Statute law - Public & General Statutes (1235 - date)
This includes text of reported and unreported cases in England and Scotland, legislation as amended, journals, law reports and current awareness.